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Rocky Road (Minus the Chocolate)

Most of the week I have had the usual suspects visiting with exception of a close family friend, Mr Knaggs (who brought along In Time—a movie) and my neighbour. What I have discovered is that things can change so quickly. We (mom and I) have started a mood meter and on saturday it hit rock bottom but sunday it was at a all time high. The best for the week.

This chemo has been really tough because the nausea and vomiting has been frequent and draining. My emotions have also been quite crazy and mom has been getting the brunt of it all (sorry mom). I have recieved 4 pints of blood since i have been in the hospital and Annelise did mention that when the red bloods are low you become moody about sily things.

Other than visitors I have been working on the painting and (Thanks Mrs Cass for training me) the painting is coming on quite nicely! I have also got some series to watch and I have had 2 neighbours (for the short term) sharing my room. Let me tell you it really sucks being the only teen in this place because everyone (the nurses excluded) are above 50...

Doc came in yesterday and told me i'd be going home but unfortunately I got a temperature spike and had to stay... I was really upset about that because I started feeling really excited about going home. But at least if I do go home I will be able to stay home! :D

Sorry I don't have any photos -_- for today but I will take a photo for tomorrow! Sleep Tight x x x

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