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Day 20: Reflection

Wow, I can't believe I've been in hospital for nearly 3 weeks now! If you'd told me the day before I was booked into hospital (March 12) that this would happen... well I would never, ever have imagined it.

I've come to realise, that yes the medication does help but it's not the only thing that helps. Out of 18 beds in the ward (it's never been full, 11 has been the most so far while i've been in the hospital) I've pretty much been the only patient that routinely leaves the ward. I always make it my day's mission to go out and sit in the reception area for as long as possible. Sitting there makes me feel like a "normal" teenager and I don't feel sick at all. Yesterday, I wasn't feeling so great when I woke up, but I was feeling better than on Sunday (I was really nauseous, I had an aching body and I had a really bad case of Rigours. This meant that eating was also an issue. I just slept the entire day). If I hadn't have left my room yesterday and gone to the reception area with my parents to just "chill" I would never have felt good today. After dad had left mom and I stayed there until 6 in the evening and I remeber telling her when I got back how good I'd felt after. (That's some quick working meds)

I honestly think this is one of the reasons why I'm suprising all the nurses and the doctor. Because none of the other patients leave the room and they pretty much sleep all day, this makes them sicker (I'm no doctor so don't quote me on it, It's just my opinion).

Other things that I've been thinking of whilst making myself very comfy in the Constantiaberg hospital was the fact that there isn't enough platelets to go round. It's not as easy as donating blood and often donors sit there for 3-4 hours to give platelets. They are phoned in, and it could be any day any time and often a half-days notice, to give the platelets to those in need. Platelets are important for people who have been on chemo because chemo basically destroys "the factory" where platelets and white/red blood cells are made. (This is in the bone marrow) That's why I'm constantly getting platelets or blood or an injection.

The blood bags: Boost the red blood cells, giving me energy

The platelts: Prevent bleeding and bruising

The injection: Boosts white blood cells, which gives me an immune system

In summary:

Walk about, put on make-up, get out of those PJ's and feel goooood! :D

Ps this is Theresa, she care giver, and such an amazing lady and is always putting a smile on my face!

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