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Happy Easter! 🐰

Happy Easter! I hope you have a lovely day with your family and get lots of eggs!

My easter was different from normal because of course i'm not allowed chocolate (Leukemia feeds off of sugar) so instead of waking up to an easter egg hunt I woke up to mom and dad making coffee. So we sat in the lounge drinking coffee and eating Pandoro (Italian sweet bread).

We were then visited by my grandparents from my dads side and they stayed for a little bit to have a chat and see how I was doing.

My uncle, aunt, gran and her partner joined us for a small easter celebration (Small becuase normally we have a huge easter lunch together). After they left mom,dad and I had lunch and had a lazy sunday at home. We facetimed my aunt and uncle who live in Boston.

Oh PS went for a blood test yesterday and all is still good!

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