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Giggle Gas and Good News

First would like to star off by thanking Dr. Chris Hofmeyr (the ENT who found out that I had leukemia and referred me to Dr. Mike Du Toit) for requesting blood tests and finding out that I had leukemia. If it was not for this doctor I would not have had such good results and would not be where I am now!

Doc came round early today. (He does his daily rounds twice a day but normally at around 11 in the morning and 4 or 5 at night) Doc told me that my platelets had more than doubled from the last check and that my white blood cell cound is 2,5 (Thousand per cubic milimeter. Ps: a normal human is between 4 and 10) This is excellent news because on Sunday my white blood cell count was below 0!!! :o Which just shows how amazingly well that injection worked. Doc also told me that I would be able to go home tomorrow and hopefully stay home for about a week and a half (until Monday 13 April, which is when I will start my next round of chemo).

After doc left my uncle and aunt visited for a short while and we just chatted in the room. I then thought it would be funny to phone my mom and tell her that I had bad news and then I told her that I would be coming home tomorrow... :D

I then updated my blog and started working on my "Wreck This Journal" this is a book with the sole purpose of destroying it and just being creative and free spirited. After lunch (roast beef with veg and roast potatos) my gran came and we had tea at the little café in the reception. She told me all these lovely stories of when her and my mom were small

Meet Vida and Anto, they are two nurses who work in the sunflower ward. They are both the sweetest and the three of us get up to so much nonsense. "/

After gran left dad popped in for a visit (during work) and we (mom, dad and I) sat in the reception and chatted. Then dad left and mom and I went back to the ward so that I could eat dinner. (Another early 5 o'clock dinner) After that mom and I went back to reception to chill and we met the nurse in charge of the bone marrow unit (Sister Pat) and we had a fat chat and mom and I asked her lots of questions. And that is pretty much my day.

Oh you are probably wondering why this blog post is called giggle gas, that would be because I was laughing a lot today. With my gran and with Anto and Vida. (There was an issue with my line because the dripper wasn't dripping quick enough and Vida found that it worked when I had my hands in the air or had chicken all the nurses found it quite funny that Vida was making me walk down the ward with my arms like a chicken...)

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