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Catch Up


Wow remembering what I did this week is tough because my memory is a bit on the down side (a side effect from chemo called chemo brain) Well... I remember that my gran, uncle, mom and dad visited in the reception area. And we had to move the table around (and i think we caused a little havock in between...) After meeting up with the family I got rather drowsy and said goodbye to the family (They need their rest as much as I do) and went for a snooze, (This chemo is apparently more tiring than the previous) and the rest I can't remeber


Wednesday morning I started painting. This is no ordinary painting because It comes in a special pack (Its more like a booklet) with the outline already drawn in (I suppose you can call it an adult colouring in book - Apparently the latest trend) and all you need to do is coulour it in. So that is what I did. Then Gran came for about an hour and we played Monopoly until I got drowsy, and of course this sleepy head went back to sleep. Mom came round when as I woke up, followed by dad we chatted a while and mom brought some awesome veggie soup which was AMAZING!!!


Thursday wasn't such a great day for me... The nausea hit rock bottom and eating became super hard! I pretty much stayed in bed the whole day apart from when I needed to use the bathroom. And the irratableness continued.


At the hospital they offer a course called 'Look good feel better' ( where a group of ladies come in and teach you facial cleansing, make-up, headdress and jewellery techniques especially for cancer patients. At the end of the seminar they give you a hamper of goodies that you can take away. It really was very awesome and I'll definitely recommend it. After that I worked on the painting and Annelise popped by for a chat. Then dad came, followed by mom and we chilled in thw lounge.

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