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Day of Visitors

Yesterday was a day packed full of visitors. My gran, Jenna, Caitlin, Hannah, Sean, Nicholle and Ethan all came to visit me.

Later on in the day mom shaved my hair to a level 1 because it looked patchy because I have no hair in parts and lots of hair in other parts. I am still doing good, just adapting to wearing wigs and not having any hair... But I am feeling confident and happy because I know this is only temporary and it shows that the chemo is working.

I was telling mom when she was shaving it that if I could give a girl that goes through chemo advise before they start I would tell them to cut their hair into a bob or pixie when they get diagnosed. Then have fun and experament for the whole week of chemo and the following week after that. Then when they notice small amounts of hair falling out to shave it to a level 4 and work their way down from there because the patches that I have in my hair now don't look nice and aren't as easy to adapt to. Because it takes 2 weeks after chemo for hair loss to happen.

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