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2 hairstyles; 1 Day

So lets start with yesterday. Mom and I went down to the beach front for some exercise (recommended by doc) and we took some awesome photos! Then I came home and chilled and even went through some school work. At about 4 Yanne, Savannah, Hilary, Sarah and Angie came round to the house for a visit. We all chatted and had such an amazing time. They even spoiled me with gifts and balloons!

So now for today! :D This morning Kj (my photographer friend) came by and took some beautiful photos of me with my pixie before I cut it all off.

(I have been trying for the last half an hour to post some of the photos but my internet is playing up, so when it is better i'll post them)

Mom and I then went to Frika in Paarden Island to try on a short hair wig for me :D and we found one I really like (I'll post a photo tomorrow). From Frika we went to the hospital to get my dressings changed and my j-line flushed. The gave me a "silver" dressing because my line was pulling my skin and was causing the skin to inflame. This special dressing is supposed to help with all that. I'll be going back on friday afternoon, just so that they can change this dressing again.

When we got home I asked my mom to shave my hair because it was getting to the point where I'd brush a comb through and half of my hair would fall out (literally). So we had a few tears (pretty much just me crying, mom was so strong I dont know how she did it!) and a few bald patches but here is the result:

And to be honest I thought I wouldn't like it as much as I do!

Have a good night! zzz...

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