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The Hathaway Haircut

Sorry I haven't been on for a while... Yesturday I wasn't feeling so great, I was nauseas and I also spiked 2 temperatures, the first was during the night and the second one was at about 10:30 and I'm not going to lie... It was horrible. They call it Rigours when the body starts to get really cold and shakes a lot. After about 10-20 minutes the Rigours disappears but then you start getting very hot and start running a very high temperature.

So I am about to get platelets (the current time is 21:40) and the last time I got platelets I reacted with a cough (quite a rough one at that) so the nurse (Sister Simon) has given me a pre-med is making me feel very light headed i'm a little sleepy right now... :p

My hairdresser came today at 11:30 to cut my new do for me. I am loving it so much. (Thanks Terry)

I will post more photo's soon in the gallery. Mom was with me the whole day and Doc is still happy that I am doing so well.

Anyway, I'll try to post some more tomorrow but i'm getting really drowsy...

Night Night! xx

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