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Finally Home

Hello Hello!

Doc has finally let me come home for a while! (Yippee) A while being until April 13 (it's a Monday). Then I will start my next "phase" of treatment and hopefully be able to go home straight away.

When I got home yesterday I had a really yumy snackwich made by mom (I missed mom's food SO bad) and then a really long (2 hour) cat nap in my own bed!! :o Then I started playing with the gel and made myself look like twiggy...

My hair is starting to fall out quite a lot now (I have hair EVERYWHERE!!) so I think I'm going to shave it off in a few days time.

In the photo above you can see part of my J-Line which is connected directly to my aorta (the really big veins in your neck that run to the heart). This is how I recieve my chemo, blood, most medication and platelets. I can even give blood through this line which means I don't get poked and prodded. Every now and then I do have to give blood from my arm but the doctor tries to make that seldom. This was "installed" on Friday 13 March. Below you can see what it looks like inside my body. Ps if you are wondering, it doesnt hurt. I get my dressing changed once a week and I'm not allowed to sweat near it or get water near it.

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