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My Happy Day! :D

So I must just say i'm loving the hair, I woke up and brushed the comb and 2 seconds later I was sorted in that department ;)

I asked the nurse last night before I passed out why I had needed a pre-med for the platelets and that was because I had reacted last time (I had coughing fits and my chest tightened up) and that the meds would help with that. Which it did because I really did pass out! The pre-med lasted a really long time and I ended up sleeping until 11... (Well I woke up at 5 for weigh-in and blood pressure and then again at 8 for breakfast but I fell straight back to sleep) So I got my make-up on, literally had to brush my hair once and I ate lunch and left the war to go to the reception. My gran came just as I sat down at one of the tables and we played Monopoly until mom and dad came. (Ps I have a monopoly board game at home but I've only ever played it once, I love it but mom doesn't...So now i have an excuse to get gran to play with me! :D)

We all chilled in reception, dad and gran left and mom and I chilled until dinner time (at 5 in the evening which is SO early...). Then mom and I went back to reception, she read a mag and I worked on my blog. At about 7 she left and I chilled in bed for the rest of the night while I got 2 pints of blood.

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