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So now what...?

Hello!! So as you know i had a bone marrow biopsy today which is basically the removal of marrow from inside bone. Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside bones that helps form blood cells. It is found in the hollow part of most bones. (adapted from The doctor performed it on the pelvic bone. It felt a little bit strange and it felt like I could feel the doctor fishing around in my bone which is weird... And now it aches (but its not sore it just aches) from time to time.

So we got the unofficial results back (Unofficial because they were performed by my doctor and not a Pathologist) and they are really good. We will get the offial results on monday from the Pathologist but the reason why I trust my doctor's results is because he has seen this a thousand times before and he knows what he is looking for. Also he has never been wrong before when his results were compared to the Pathologist's.

So his results were that the bone marrow is empty, which means that the chemo has worked! He said that the results are good and that my body is starting to increase its white blood cell count slowly, but that it is also a good thing!! :D He did tell me that tomorrow I will recieve an injection in my stomach that will boost my white blood cell count to help my body regenerate more white blood cells.

So what happens next?

I will have another weeks rest so next week, but the the following week I will start my second dose of chemo and when that is done I will have another bone marrow test to see what is going on.

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