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Playing with hair

So today I was visited by my Jam Club teacher (Mr Lewis). It was so lovely to catch up on all the goings on at school and to just b

e able to chat about randoms. I also got to be part of the weekly Qpoint meeting (Qpoint is a society at school, consiting of learners that help other learners & teacher with technical glitches) via skype.

At about 2 o'clock my gran came to the hospital to visit and we sat in reception. Mom came not to soon after followed by dad. We had a chit chat and some tea (I've really started drinking a lot of tea especially rooibos because the resurant offers tea.) (Speaking of tea I'm meeting Annelise tomorrow for tea, Annelise is the psychiatric ocupational therapist and is just the sweetest)

When gran and dad left mom and I went back to my room. Oh yeah I have had a roommate for a few days. Her name is Christine, she has had a brain tumour and so she is on her 5th dose of treatment. Christine is such a lovely lady and roommate! So because I will be losing my hair I asked my parents if I could get a wig because losing my hair is definitely the worst thing for me. I know I will eventually get used to not having my hair but for now I would like to know that I can at least have a fall back for when I do lose my hair (which is soon, like within the next week acording to doc). So mom brought some wigs today for me to try on, and we found one we both like.

Doc told me that my red blood cells were low so I was going to get another 2 pints of blood (Making the blood bag total of 8) which dripped through over 4 hours. (From 6 to 10) Tomorrow I will be getting a bone marrow biopsy to see whether I'm in remission or not and how my body has reacted to the first dose of chemo. So hopefully that will go awesome and then I'll soon be able to go home :D

Have a good night! xxx

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