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Two days in one

Hello everyone, So sorry I haven't updated my blog for a few days. That rash that you see in the photo is VERY itchy so the doctor has been giving me anti-histamines which have been making me really drowsy so if I wasn't sitting in reception with my family playing a board game I was sleeping. (Very sick-patient of me...). The rash is getting worse in terms of its appearance but I wont post any photos 'cause it really isn't very attractive at all. At the moment it is very hot and inflamed and much darker that the photo above.

Yesterday my red blood cells (takes oxygen to the muscles, giving you energy) were very low so I got another blood transfusion. So, so far my blood bag total recieved is 6 pints in 12 days (not too bad) So it just shows you how important it is to donate blood if you can. (Unfortunately I found out I will never be allowed to donate blood as it could compromise my body even if I've been in remission for 10/20 years)

I am currently receiving a platelet transfusion which is the yellow stuff in the bag above and this will prevent continuous bleeding if I get a cut and it will also prevent bruising because if your platelets are low you can bruise VERY easily. "I bruise easily so be careful when you handle me..."

Anyways I will try post some more tomorrow but I am going to go to sleep now! Sleep tight! xxx

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