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Board games and itches

So today I was woken up again at 5 for my blood pressure readings and after I fell straight back to sleep. At around 9 the nurse that was on duty, Anto (he is a male nurse) woke me up and told me to eat my breakfast (Peanutbutter on toast and stewed fruit) and then I could go back to sleep. I think he isn't used to teenagers because he said I'd slept in...hahaha. :)

After lunch at about 2 mom came, Anto recomended I get my dose of daily exercise (you'll be pleased to know walking counts as exercise) so mom and I went for a stroll to the reception. At this stage of my treatment I am what they call neutropenic which means that my white blood cell count is so low (comma something) that I have NO immune system. So the nurses gave me a surgical mask to wear (the ones doctors and dentists use) and I really wasn't please to be walking around with a not-so-sexy surgical mask. But hey, if it prevents me from getting sick I think i'll take the not-so-sexy over the ewy-gewy-gross-cold.

Anyway back to my daily tasks, mom decided we pull out the old board game called Ludo because I think she could sense I was getting a little grouchy and snappy :( (sorry mom!). The board game was medication that no doctor could have given me. I felt so awesome after and I was setting quite the pace with my drip stand. I've decided to call him (the drip stand) Topolino, first that is the italian name for Mickey Mouse, and second it was a tiny little fiat car that was manufactured during the 40's. Some of you will also know that my matric jersey is also Topolino and that is because my nickname is Mickey just like Mickey Mouse who is so cute!

After the board game I got back to my room and had a fat chat with a lady who was diagnosed with AML a year and a bit ago. Her name was Bronwyn and it was so lovely to hear her story of her fight with AML.

Dinner arrived and Bronwyn left, mom and dad stayed to keep me company while I ate my tuna samie. Topolino started to beep which normally means I need to move onto another bag of chemo or blood. But in this case it meant my first batch of chemo treatment had finished :D yay so for about 3 weeks now I won't recieve chemo!!

Have a good night everyone! Thanks for all the messages its so great to see all the support that I have!!!

Oh ps I finished my mandala, so i'll move onto another pattern.

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