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Tea for two...

This morning I awoke to another early 5:30 wake up by the night staff for my "weigh in" and blood pressure/temperature checks. This is a morning ritual that my teenage sleepy self will have to get used to. I decided to go back to sleep until I was woken up by the breakfast delivery at 8. Brekkie was peanutbutter on toast (Delish!) I then freshened up and met Annelise, an psychiatric occupational therapist who has been helping me and the family cope with the news. The two of us went to her office and fafed around with beanies and wig caps and wigs and she mentioned I try Mandala which is a form of meditation where you can colour these beautiful patterns. I tried it and it is quite calming!

I was then visited by a lovely girl around my age who was diagnosed with a very rare type of bone marrow disease (can't remember the name...) and her name was Ricki-Lee. She was diagnosed last year and is now fully recovered! :D It was so nice meeting her and we had a little chat.

Mom came soon after and we went for a walk to the resturant in the hospital and ordered tea (mom actually had coffee but we can pretend) and had a really good chat about randoms.

I was visited by Father Godwin later in the evening who said a prayer with mom and I. He also gave me some books to read about catholicism as I'd really like to start being a better catholic. The night didn't end on such a high as I lost my appatite and felt nauseous (to be expected) but i did manage to eat. Anyway goodnight from me! x

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