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What an awesome day it was today...

Today when I woke up I just felt so good! I decided I wasn't going to sleep any longer because I never know when I get a day like today, so I went on an adventure (not really because i'm stuck in a hospital) into the reception. I had a over dramatic reality magazine to pass the time while I sat on the reception chairs as visitors and patients passed by. I started feeling a little bit light headed and headed back to my ward. I had a little snooze and then lunch. Mom, Dad and Gran visited and the day continued on a high.

I keep getting really amazing messages from friends and family all over the world and I am so happy and grateful to have all this support!! Once again I would like to say another BIG THANK YOU!!

Special thank you to Mrs Herbig and Mr D who mailed me through the website. PS I haven't figured out how to reply to your emails yet...But I will in due course.

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