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Half way mark!

Currently I have had 2 bags that come through the drip the orange bag and a clear bag and those are both part of the chemotherapy treatment that I will get. I have been getting the clear bag 24/7 since Saturday and the orange bag I've had since Saturday but they drip that quickly through and it lasts for 45 mins about. I also was told today that I got my last orange bag for this course of treatment. So I will stay in hospital until, hopefully Saturday but they might just need me longer to check that I am all good. I will then go home because my session of treatment will be over and I will have a rest period. Then after about a week at home they will bring me back to the hospital where the doctor will take out all the bone marrow (a liquid in the bone) from to sections in my back (they are often called back dimples) once that is done I think I get another week of recovery and then I will repeat this process 3 times. The final process is the bone marrow transplant where they will find a donor who is as close to perfect to then give me bone marrow.

Today I just found out that I will be at the half way mark tomorrow and will hopefully be able to get home ASAP.

If you want to google I found a good website:

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